on all sales
Every time your referred user makes a purchase on a partner site you'll earn 20% on what they spend for life.
Girls referral
Do you have a friend who wants to join our webcam community? Send her over and make 10% on all her earnings.
webmaster referral
Make 5% commission on all the earnings generated from the webmasters you send us!
Just for signing up with!
We are offering a $50 signup bonus for all new webmasters. Simply sign up to RIVcash and the $ 50.00 will be automatically added to your payment once your reach the minimum payout.. It's that easy...
Classic Banners
We have developed a series of classic banners in GIF and Flash with messages that focus on attracting the attention of your visitors. Just choose the banner desired and the link code will be generated automatically.
Slide Box is nothing more than a promotional window that appears on the screen with the profile of a given girl. It is definitely a tool that attracts the user's attention and entices them to click it.
Site Builder - White label sites
The webmaster's workshop is where you can create your own white label site.
Live Feeds
You asked for them, we developed them! Few other tools convert like Live Feeds. Choose the one you like, get the code and start earning!

Don't miss THE BARCELLONA SUMMIT (February 19 to 21, 2010)
Nameservers Record Modifications
NOTICE: Before 18/02/2009, all webmaster who use their own domain names for generated rivcash sites must add to their nameservers the CNAME record which directs to, where is the login name of webmaster at RIVCash.
Example: If some webmaster with login name john currently has the rivcash site then his nameserver currently contains the following record: A This record should be replaced with: CNAME
For every question, please feel free to contact the support or the forum
Third Template
We just implemented a third template called "Simple Gray" fully customizable in style and colors.